The Demon Called 'Fear'

Fear isn't just a metaphysical concept. It is a demon! The Bible calls Fear a spirit;

2Tim.1.7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Any Spirit God did not give His children is an evil spirit. So fear is one of these evil spirits. And its rage is now commonplace in the Earth dispensation today, most unfortunately amongst Believers.

A story's told about a man that works on the railway station carriages in Canada. These carriages are used in keeping perishable goods to prevent them from spoiling. The carriages have reduced temperatures. This man was at work one day, he was so engrossed in his duty that he extended his normal working hours. He was the only one left on the carriage that night. He didn't know he had expended much time, so he called his co-workers to open up the carriage so he'd get out and go home.

When he called them, there was no response, so it dawned on him that he had exceeded the normal working hours. He then remembered he was in an iced carriage. He would die soon because of the lowered temperature of the vessel. Slowly, he died, thinking of how careless he was to have forgotten time had past so fast. In no time, he was dead.

The following morning at work, his colleagues remembered he was left in the carriage because he didn't resume work that morning obviously. They found his corpse in the carriage and told his wife about the death of her husband. She mourned, with her children.

Some curious workers in this factory who were on the same carriage with this man decided to take the man to a Laboratory to have an autopsy of his body. The autopsy showed that, the temperature of the carriage couldn't have killed him because the temperature was a little below room temperature. He died a natural death...not fostered or triggered by any external factor. So the cold temperature was not what killed the man. What killed him was FEAR!

The thought of the carriage being cold was what killed him. The carriage was barely 16°C.

Fear paralyses the thoughts, posions the mind and  destroys characters. The fear of failure is the father of failure itself. Fear is the dark room where negatives are produced. The Fear of the future is a waste of the present. Ignorance, polluted imaginations and unbelief are products of fear.

Fear is a universal disease that has destroyed things. It's the opposite of FAITH. It is the shortest highway to failure and death!

Do you know that FAITH is your active partnership with the immortal invisible one so as to bring the impossible to fruition?

Why not have faith today instead of wedging your heart with fears. Fear sees only what men see and not what God sees. Our greatest fears never happen!

God's power in a believer remains dormant when Fear pops in.  Fear makes a believer to believe the worst. How would a believer believe that he'd die of a sickness? That's giving in to fear!

It has been confirmed  that Fearls faster than cancer or any known medical case.
So who do you now fear?

Today, exercise your faith instead of exhibiting fears of what will never happen!
Don't give Satan a place in your heart..Have FAITH today!

Philip is a believer, content writer and digital marketer. He loves God and is passionate about reaching young minds with the transforming knowledge of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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